Koh phangan öyle bir yerdir ki kötü yola saparsaniz sizi yerden yere vurur duvardan duvara çarpar ta ki siz anlayana kadar. Anladığınızda ise sizi büyük bir aşkla kucaklar. Öyle bir sevgi öyle bir aşk hissedersiniz ki motorsikletiniz ile coconut ağaçlarının arasından giderken adeta sarhoş olursunuz hic içmemenize rağmen. Bu yaratılmış ve var olan her şey için hayranlık, şükran, aşk, ve daha ifade edemediğim bir çok duyguyu aynı anda yaşarsınız ve gozyaşlariniza hakim olamazsınız. Durduk yere Hem güler hem ağlarsınız mutluluktan hayranlıktan şükrandan. Acaba delirdim mi dersiniz. Ama hayır bu gerçek dünyaya açılan kapı. Şu andaki rüyanın farkına varmanı sağlayan araç. Teşekkür edersiniz. Bu duyguları daha önce hiç bir yerde hissetmemiş olabilirsiniz. Çünkü bu ada sizi içine çeker, bu ada size öğretir kendinizi bulmayı, tüm acılarınızı unutmayı, yeniden bir hayata başlamayı. Bu ada sizi içine alır sevgiyle aşkla hicbirseyiniz olmasa bile, bu ada size yeni bir hayat verir. Ve öyle duygular hissedersiniz ki, biraz utangaç biraz, inanılmaz ve çokça ama çokça aşk. Çokça yaratana bağ, huzur, mutluluk. Burada en ağır bagimlilar bir zaman sonra en büyük iyilestiriciler olurlar. Çünkü onlar acının içinden geçmiş ve yaşananları yaşamışlardır. Seni anlarlar o yollardan onlar belki daha ağır geçti bu yüzden şimdi en iyi iyileştirici oldular. En ağır aşk acıları çekenleri en iyi ilişki koçu yapar bu ada. Bu ada depresyon ve acıları alır ve iyileşmeyi sağlayacak ilacı yapar. Burada işin bittiğinde bunu hemen anlarasın. Bulman gereken fikri, aşkı veya işi bulursun. Ama kafan hala karışırsa, kutsal aracı kullanarak meditasyon yapıp kendine sorular sorar ve yolunu çizebilirsin. Bu araçla tanisabilirsin. Kendine yolculuk için sana seramoninde yardım ederiz. Çünkü biz birbirimizi biliriz, hepimiz biriz. Sen de bunu bir gün anlayacaksın ve o gün acı diye bir şey kalmayacak. Daha fazla bilgi almak istersen iletişime geçebilir. Seramoni ve meditasyonlarımıza katılarak sen de yolunu tekrar bulabilirsin. Ve söz veriyorum onu bulacaksın. Bugüne kadar bulamayan olmadı. Bu ada sihirli. Zemini kristal, havası aşk solumani sağlar ve tüm insanlığa Olan inancın yeniden canlanır Çünkü Burada özü bulursun. Hele her şeyi birakmaya ve yeniden başlamaya hazirsan, iyi niyetliysen, kendinin ve butunun hayrını istiyorsan ada sana sunar tüm süprizlerini. Inanamazsın başta tesadüf dersin, ruya bu dersin ama mithyadaki, matrixteki gerçektir bu. Onlar ne kadar gercekse, o kadar gerçektir bu. Haydi sen de katıl bir yol var. Belki birden fazla ama sen kör olmuştun. Şimdi aç gözlerini ve gör beni. Çünkü ben senim. En yüksek benliğin en yüce kaynaktan gelen özüm ben. Aşkım, huzurum ben, sağlığım ben, ben seni sen yapan her şeyim. Bul beni, yaşa beni, katıl bana ve kucakla tüm geleni sevgiyle aşkla. İzin ver aksın hayat önünde, düşünme nasıl diye. Olacak güven evrene en yüksek benliğine. Ve her şeye izin verdiğinde tüm iyiliklere iyi niyetle, kabul ettiğinde gelecek yardımları, göreceksin her şey bambaşka olacak. Açılacak tüm kapılar bir anda içeride ve dışarıda. O zaman uyanacaksın rüyadan ve öğreneceksin seçim yapmayi. Bu sefer kazanacağız. Bu deneyimde veya bir sonrakinde ama eninde sonunda biz olacağız. Çünkü biz o’yuz başka bir şey beklenemez nihai mutluluk, huzur ve hosnutluk hali anandadan başka. Ve burada yapman gereken tek şey şu an öğrenmeye başlamak seçim yapmayı. Seçimler ve sonuçlar. Her şey hayatta seçimlerle ilgilidir. Seçim yapmazsan bile seçmiş olursun seçim yapmamayı. O halde bu hayattaki ilk gorevin kalbinin seni götürdüğü yere gitmek. Burada dikkat edilecek bir şey var. Zihninin götürdüğü yere değil kalbinin götürdüğü yere gitmek. Çünkü zihnin sadece ister ister. Onun korkulari, onun telaşları onun yanilgilari olabilir o hep ister ama kalbin… O başka o bambaşka. O ihtiyaç duyar. Gerçekten ihtiyacın olana git zihninin oyunlarına kanmadan. Bu bilgilere sahipsin zaten ben sadece hatırlatıyorum. Şimdi uyan ve gör beni, uyan ve duy sesimi. Ben senim sen de ben. Bul beni ve daha derinlere gitmeye hazırsan katıl bana
Sometimes you feel like you’re backed into a corner. You wish you could disappear into a hole where nobody can see you and you can’t see anyone else. Life feels heavy. You think there’s no solution because you’ve sunk so low that there’s nowhere else to go.
Maybe you think you have no money, no family, no friends, no one who loves you. Do you know why? Because you trusted, believed, or obeyed others. Maybe you were a bit lazy, didn’t want to step out of your comfort zone.
Maybe you were dependent on someone, something, or a feeling.
Maybe you had addictions that you think you can not give up, maybe you were afraid, maybe you felt helpless. Because what others said seemed more right. Your parents, your boss, your teacher, your spouse, your lover, your child, or whoever and whatever the reason.
Maybe an illness struck at the wrong time and you felt helpless. Diseases have emotional causes.
Maybe you misunderstood, were misunderstood, or felt like were never understood. You had communication issues.
Maybe you didn’t have money for food, a place to stay. And no one helped. But you know what? I know people who went without eating anything for 26 days, with no home, no money. These people managed to rise above it.
How do I know? Because I was there once too. I also cried for nights and days. Wanted to scream and cry at the top of my lungs, but I couldn’t make a sound. Maybe I felt ashamed, maybe scared, maybe didn’t dare.
I felt worthless, abandoned, deceived, invalidated, lonely, unhappy, helpless. I bent, I broke, I shattered, I was rejected several times but every time, I rose stronger. Every time, I faced tougher challenges.
In my dreams, I always went to school. Later, I realized these trials in my dreams were tools for my learning, for my well-being, for living a better and happier life. I started writing down my dreams. I tried to understand the messages given to me.
I confronted my fears. The more I feared, the more I faced them. I fought with shadows, sometimes I even feared my own shadow. But I didn’t give up. I turned it into a tool. I tried to understand my fear to shine a light for others who fear, I thanked it, and when it completed its task, I bid it farewell.
Now I know, and I have the courage because I’ve seen the bottom of the bottom. All you need to do is believe in yourself and in the universe. If you’re really at the bottom, you’ll start this training faithfully and apply it.
You have to take a step. When you focus on what you truly need and strive for what will benefit you and the whole, you’ll realize you’re on the right path with the doors that open. I made it out, and you will too.
Are you ready to make peace with yourself and believe in yourself? Are you ready to emerge from the darkness, stand on your own two feet, be independent, fulfill your life’s purpose, and be happy? Are you ready to embark on this journey with me?
If you answered yes to these three questions, you’re ready for your rise and standing tall again. Let’s begin.
Understanding Depression and Developing Healing Wellness Program
Hello, I’m Nora, a wellness coach dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve mental, physical, and emotional well-being. With years of experience in guiding others toward a healthier lifestyle, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of tailored wellness programs. Today, I’m excited to share insights on understanding depression and crafting a comprehensive wellness plan.
What Causes Depression and How to Address It:
Depression can stem from various factors, including genetic predisposition, life events, and chemical imbalances in the brain. To combat depression effectively, it’s crucial to:
• Navigate your emotions: Just like a navigator needs to know their starting point and destination, understanding yourself is key. Who are you? What are your strengths? What activities bring you joy? By identifying these, you can create a roadmap to a happier life.
Overview of the Wellness Program:
Now, let’s delve into the components of a comprehensive wellness program:
• Breathwork:Managing significant emotions through breathwork.
• Pranayama: Tapping into life energy sources through breath control.
• Physical Activity: Incorporating regular exercise into your routine.
• Healthy Nutrition:Increasing water intake and reducing processed sugars and carbs.
• Natural Living: Transitioning to all-natural products for personal care and cleaning.
• Spending Time in Nature: Reconnecting with the natural world.
• Mindful Practices: Cultivating positive thoughts and actions.
• Sunlight Exposure and Meditation:Harnessing the power of sunlight and moonlight through meditation and exercises.
• Acts of Kindness: Performing daily acts of kindness, even to oneself.
• Cleanliness: Maintaining personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness.
• Concentration: Practicing concentration exercises and meditation.
• Quality Sleep:Establishing a bedtime routine conducive to restful sleep.
How to Benefit from the Program: To maximize the program’s effectiveness, participants will receive:
• Daily assignments to track progress and self-discovery.
• Gratitude journaling to cultivate a positive mindset.
• Reflective writing on personal achievements and growth.
• Consistent application of program elements to facilitate transformation.
Daily Practice Guidelines:To ensure consistency and efficacy, adherents should:
• Dedicate a designated space and time for daily practice, free from distractions.
• Maintain a consistent schedule, as flexibility may lead to procrastination.
• Create a conducive atmosphere with candles, images, or personal items.
• Minimize exposure to electronic devices and external stimuli.
• Maintain an upright posture during meditation and breathwork.
What You’ll Learn: Participants will gain insights into:
• The psychological underpinnings of depression.
• The formation and impact of thought patterns on mental well-being.
• Techniques for managing and redirecting thoughts to promote positivity.
• Personal narratives on overcoming depression and achieving holistic wellness.
Understanding the Mind and Developing Alternative Perspectives: By exploring diverse viewpoints, participants will:
• Appreciate the mind’s complexities and its influence on perceptions.
• Recognize how thoughts shape emotions, behaviors, and life experiences.
• Cultivate mindfulness to discern reality from mental constructs.
• Embrace new narratives and beliefs conducive to growth and healing.
Conclusion: In conclusion, this comprehensive wellness program offers a holistic approach to understanding and addressing depression. By integrating various practices and perspectives, participants can embark on a transformative journey toward mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Let’s embark on this journey together and illuminate the path to a brighter tomorrow.
If you’re interested in joining our program or seeking further guidance, feel free to reach out. Together, we can pave the way to a healthier, happier life.
For more information please keep in touch.
Warm regards, Nora
Whatsapp: +90 531 525 77 47
Instagram: @luminylife
The Healing Power of Deep Meditation: A Journey to Overcome Depression and Anxiety Online Education
Depression can feel like a heavy fog that clouds every aspect of life. It drains our energy, motivation, and hope, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected. Anxiety, with its constant worry and fear, only adds to the weight we carry. Many of us find ourselves searching for answers, solutions, and a way to navigate through these dark times. The journey to healing often seems daunting, but there is a path that leads us back to light and peace.
Here is the story of a girl who, feeling lost and overwhelmed, discovered the power of deep meditation and divine tools to find her way back to life and start anew.
Once again, I am ashamed in front of God because I thought He doesn’t see me. I thought He forgot about me. But the Sacred Vessel once again revealed to me that I am the actress of my life and the singer of my own song. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I will be okay, protected, and God has a divine plan for me. Sorry and thank you with respect and love, God, the Sacred Vessel, and Itamar for introducing the Sacred Vessel to me… (crying)
I can’t stop crying; I’m at a café, but I don’t care. The Sacred Vessel speaks to me, guiding me gently: “Find those who need you. Do not waste your time on those who do not appreciate you.”
As Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are” fills the air, I feel the universe aligning with my soul.
The Sacred Vessel tells me, “We didn’t reveal this to you at home because it was not the right place. In this Phangan café, you are home. That is why you felt hungry, your stomach churned, and you wanted to vomit and ended up here. But now, your stomach is calm. No pain, no nausea. The divine brought you here to open your heart.”
I ordered tom kha soup, but the Sacred Vessel tells me not to mix their sacred essence with other things. I asked about my purpose, and they responded, “Learn to choose wisely. You cannot choose what is not meant for you, as it is not within God’s ultimate plan. Embrace what is given, for every occurrence is a blessing.”
In the beginning, the story goes, an angel defied God and was cast out, becoming evil. But this is a lie. God never casts anyone out. Why would He? We are His creation. He is the ultimate power, desiring His children to learn the art of making good choices.
Wherever I am, I am the source of light, because I am a creation of God. I will learn, I will shine, and I will teach others to shine. This is why I will put myself online, offering lessons for all to see and awaken. Those who need me will find me; others will not see me. Then, all sadness and anxiety will dissipate. Depression does not belong to us; it is a fabricated lie meant to slow our awakening. We are the source. There is no need to feel bad. And lastly, I am 100 percent sure everything is going to be alright.
Join me in this journey of awakening. As Osho once said, “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” Together, we will explore the depths of our souls, uncover the truths hidden within us, and learn to make choices that resonate with the divine plan. Let us awaken to our true potential, embrace our divine essence, and shine together as beacons of light in this world.
In this sacred space of online coaching, we will embark on a transformative journey. Let the Sacred Vessel guide us, let the divine speak through us, and let our spirits soar. Together, we will create a community of awakened souls, united in love, purpose, and the light of God.
Remember, you are amazing just the way you are. Embrace your journey, and let’s shine together.
For more information about our online depression healing courses, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +90 531 525 77 47. You can also follow us on Instagram at @luminylife and watch our content on our YouTube channel.
Dönüştürücü Şifa: Alternatif Tıp Yöntemleriyle Holistik Terapiler
Derin şifa ve dönüşüm yolculuğuna çıkmaya hazır mısınız? Nora Canan’ın Hayat Dönüşüm İnzivaları ile Koh Samui ve Koh Phangan’ın nefes kesen doğal güzelliklerinde sakinliği keşfedin. Burada, tropikal manzaraların huzurlu güzelliği arasında, mutluluk ve canlılık dolu bir yaşamın kapılarını aralayacaksınız.
Holistik yaklaşımımızla, beden, zihin ve ruhu iyileştirmenin gücüne inanıyoruz. Antik uygulamalardan modern tekniklere kadar, bedensel rahatsızlıkların ve memnuniyetsizliğin kök nedenlerini ele alan bir wellness yaklaşımı sunuyoruz.
Gelin, sunduğumuz holistik terapilere birlikte göz atalım:
• Meditasyon: Rehberli astral meditasyonlar aracılığıyla bilinçaltınıza dalmak. Gizli potansiyelleri açığa çıkarın, sınırlayıcı inançları ortadan kaldırın ve içsel bilgelik kaynağına ulaşın.
• Yoga: Yoga asanaları, pranayama ve meditasyonun yenileyici gücünü deneyimleyin. Bilinçli hareket ve nefes çalışmasıyla gerginliği azaltacak, esnekliği artıracak ve iç huzurunuzu geliştireceksiniz.
• Hipnoz: Belirli ihtiyaçlarınıza göre uyarlanmış hipnoterapi seanslarıyla bilinçaltı zihni keşfedin. Korkuları bırakın, engelleri aşın ve başarı ve mutluluk için zihninizi yeniden programlayın.
• Yaşam Koçluğu: Hayatın zorlukları ve fırsatları arasında kişiselleştirilmiş rehberlik ve destek alın. Tutkularınızı keşfedin, anlamlı hedefler belirleyin ve güçlendirme ve bolluk düşüncesi geliştirin.
• Holistik Terapiler: Akupunktur ve kup terapisi, kiropraktik bakım ve bitkisel tedaviler gibi çeşitli şifa yöntemlerini içeren kapsamlı bir dizi tedavi sunuyoruz.
Nora Canan’ın Hayat İnzivaları’nda, gerçek iyileşmenin beden, zihin ve ruhu içerdiğine inanıyoruz. Misyonumuz, sağlığınızı, mutluluğunuzu ve canlılığınızı geri kazanmanıza yardımcı olmaktır. Acıya, strese ve memnuniyetsizliğe veda edin ve canlılık dolu bir yaşamın, dolu dolu bir yaşamın tadını çıkarın.
Bize Koh Samui veya Koh Phangan’da katılın ve sizi yenilenmiş, ilham verilmiş ve yaşamın tadını çıkarmaya hazır hissettirecek dönüştürücü bir inziva deneyimine katılın. İyileşme yolculuğunuz burada başlıyor.
Daha fazla bilgi için
whatsapp +905315257747
Instagram luminylife
The Importance of Exercise, Healthy Eating, Amanita Mushroom in Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol, and Smoking Addiction Recovery Online Healing From Thailand
In the journey of mental health and addiction recovery, incorporating regular exercise and adopting a clean, nutritionally balanced diet play pivotal roles. Here’s why:
Exercise, Regular physical activity is known to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Additionally, exercise promotes better sleep, reduces stress, and boosts self-esteem, all of which are essential in overcoming mental health challenges and addiction.
Clean and Nutritious Diet, A diet rich in whole foods, free from gluten, oxalate foods, chemicals, and additives, is vital for overall well-being. Such a diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoiding processed foods and opting for organic options whenever possible helps reduce inflammation in the body and supports mental clarity and stability.
Smoking and Alcohol Addictiveness, Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption are crucial steps in improving mental health and overall quality of life. While the process can be challenging, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and nutritious eating, can aid in managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Raw Milk and Amanita Mushroom, Raw milk, devoid of pasteurization and homogenization processes, contains beneficial enzymes, vitamins, and probiotics that support gut health and overall immunity.
Amanita mushrooms, when used under expert guidance and in controlled amounts, have shown potential benefits in treating various health conditions, including depression and anxiety. However, caution must be exercised, and it should only be consumed under the supervision of a knowledgeable professional.
Lifestyle Coaching Support, seeking guidance from a qualified life and wellness coach, such as Nora Canan Yıldırım, can greatly assist individuals in navigating their journey towards better mental and physical health. Nora offers both online and in-person coaching sessions to support individuals in adopting healthier lifestyles and overcoming challenges related to mental health and addiction.
For more information and personalized support, you can reach out to Nora Canan Yıldırım through Instagram (@Luminylife), Facebook (Thailan Fitness and Wellness by Nora), or via WhatsApp at +905315257747.
Remember, prioritizing exercise, clean eating, and seeking support are essential steps towards achieving a happier and healthier life.