The Importance of Exercise, Healthy Eating, Amanita Mushroom in Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol, and Smoking Addiction Recovery Online Healing From Thailand

Amanita mushroom for depression and anxiety. Wellness by Nora, life coaching from Thailand can help you online
Amanita mushroom for depression and anxiety. Wellness by Nora, life coaching from Thailand can help you online.

In the journey of mental health and addiction recovery, incorporating regular exercise and adopting a clean, nutritionally balanced diet play pivotal roles. Here’s why:

Exercise, Regular physical activity is known to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Additionally, exercise promotes better sleep, reduces stress, and boosts self-esteem, all of which are essential in overcoming mental health challenges and addiction.

Yoga and Meditation Retreat Thailand Koh Phangan online exercise and nutrition support and life coaching.
Yoga and Meditation Retreat Thailand Koh Phangan online exercise and nutrition support and life coaching.

Clean and Nutritious Diet, A diet rich in whole foods, free from gluten, oxalate foods, chemicals, and additives, is vital for overall well-being. Such a diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoiding processed foods and opting for organic options whenever possible helps reduce inflammation in the body and supports mental clarity and stability.
Smoking and Alcohol Addictiveness, Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption are crucial steps in improving mental health and overall quality of life. While the process can be challenging, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and nutritious eating, can aid in managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Raw Milk and Amanita Mushroom, Raw milk, devoid of pasteurization and homogenization processes, contains beneficial enzymes, vitamins, and probiotics that support gut health and overall immunity.

Amanita mushrooms, when used under expert guidance and in controlled amounts, have shown potential benefits in treating various health conditions, including depression and anxiety. However, caution must be exercised, and it should only be consumed under the supervision of a knowledgeable professional.
Lifestyle Coaching Support, seeking guidance from a qualified life and wellness coach, such as Nora Canan Yıldırım, can greatly assist individuals in navigating their journey towards better mental and physical health. Nora offers both online and in-person coaching sessions to support individuals in adopting healthier lifestyles and overcoming challenges related to mental health and addiction.
For more information and personalized support, you can reach out to Nora Canan Yıldırım through Instagram (@Luminylife), Facebook (Thailan Fitness and Wellness by Nora), or via WhatsApp at +905315257747.

Remember, prioritizing exercise, clean eating, and seeking support are essential steps towards achieving a happier and healthier life.



Boost your immune system with yoga in Budva Montenegro with Canan Yıldırım.
Boost your immune system with yoga in Budva Montenegro with Canan Yıldırım.

Hi again,

I hope everyone is having a great week and syndromlles mondays. Since the winter has come, you may have some problems about your immunity system and catch cold or flu but don’t worry I have a great solutions for you.

Most of the illnesses reason is stress and unhappiness so psychological stress can effect you body in a bad way. To get rid of stress, relaxation and strengthening of body, serenity of soul and mind, yoga practices are really important. Which means you need to make something for your body.

Good exercises, good nutrition,  organising sleeping habits, drinking enough water, making pranayama breathings,  getting lost in the nature:) So basically if you care about your body, mind and soul, it makes your daily life easier.

There may be many reasons of illnesses like flu, and catching cold. Bacterias and viruses generally enter our body through respiratory system. Yoga teaches how to breath right and improve the mechanical efficiency of our lungs by conditioning the repertory tract that increase the elasticity and strength of the whole lung.

Outdoor, indoor,, private, group yoga sessions in Budva, Kotor, Tivat, Podgorica with Canan Yıldırım.
Outdoor, indoor,, private, group yoga sessions in Budva, Kotor, Tivat, Podgorica with Canan Yıldırım.

Also sitting all day long at work, in front of the desk can cause some blockages in your organs, joints and muscles. Yoga can stimulate the organs and help unblock the blockages, get rid of toxins and mucus that stimulate breakdowns in the body and its systems.

Journal of Behavioral Medicine claimed that yoga can reduces the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. According to the research, 15 randomly chosen controlled trials that examined whether the regular practice of yoga postures could strengthen the immune system and reduce chronic inflammation. The average sample size of the trials was 70, and sample sizes ranged from 11 to as many as 140 participants. The majority of studies used Hatha yoga, a general term that indicates a style that includes postures.

You can join my winter private or group yoga sessions and stay healthy, happy and like a baby! :)

+90 531 525 77 47 my Whatsap and viber number

You can also follow me through instagram Luminy Life


Happiness is yoga and pranayama breathing. Join my yoga sessions, release stress, strengthen your immunity system and be happy.
Happiness is yoga and pranayama breathing. Join my yoga sessions, release stress, strengthen your immunity system and be happy.

It is so strange that if I didn’t have my morning yoga session, or pranayama during the day I don’t feel good, and daily things, people situations easily can make me upset.

We somehow have lots of energy inside of us and we need to direct that and renew it. To succeed that, it is very good start to begin with pranayama.

Pranayama is directing and radiating life energy in our body. We do it through nostril breathing. There are many kind of breathing pranayamas. Some of them helps you to energize if you are tired or down, some of them calms you down if you are very excited and need to make an important talk in a meeting.

Pranayama also effects your body. It is scientifically proved that you can increase or decrease blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate and pulse beat by breathing technics of pranayama.

If you would like to try it please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Happiness is also jumping! :) Here I m jumping in Mogren Beach, Budva, Montenegro. Would you like to join?
Happiness is also jumping! :) Here I m jumping in Mogren Beach, Budva, Montenegro. Would you like to join?

+90 531 525 77 47 is my whatzap  and viber number.

You can also follow me on instagram as Luminy Life