The Healing Power of Deep Meditation: A Journey to Overcome Depression and Anxiety Online Education

20240527_164727Depression can feel like a heavy fog that clouds every aspect of life. It drains our energy, motivation, and hope, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected. Anxiety, with its constant worry and fear, only adds to the weight we carry. Many of us find ourselves searching for answers, solutions, and a way to navigate through these dark times. The journey to healing often seems daunting, but there is a path that leads us back to light and peace.

Here is the story of a girl who, feeling lost and overwhelmed, discovered the power of deep meditation and divine tools to find her way back to life and start anew.

Once again, I am ashamed in front of God because I thought He doesn’t see me. I thought He forgot about me. But the Sacred Vessel once again revealed to me that I am the actress of my life and the singer of my own song. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I will be okay, protected, and God has a divine plan for me. Sorry and thank you with respect and love, God, the Sacred Vessel, and Itamar for introducing the Sacred Vessel to me… (crying)

I can’t stop crying; I’m at a café, but I don’t care. The Sacred Vessel speaks to me, guiding me gently: “Find those who need you. Do not waste your time on those who do not appreciate you.”

As Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are” fills the air, I feel the universe aligning with my soul.

The Sacred Vessel tells me, “We didn’t reveal this to you at home because it was not the right place. In this Phangan café, you are home. That is why you felt hungry, your stomach churned, and you wanted to vomit and ended up here. But now, your stomach is calm. No pain, no nausea. The divine brought you here to open your heart.”

I ordered tom kha soup, but the Sacred Vessel tells me not to mix their sacred essence with other things. I asked about my purpose, and they responded, “Learn to choose wisely. You cannot choose what is not meant for you, as it is not within God’s ultimate plan. Embrace what is given, for every occurrence is a blessing.”

In the beginning, the story goes, an angel defied God and was cast out, becoming evil. But this is a lie. God never casts anyone out. Why would He? We are His creation. He is the ultimate power, desiring His children to learn the art of making good choices.

Wherever I am, I am the source of light, because I am a creation of God. I will learn, I will shine, and I will teach others to shine. This is why I will put myself online, offering lessons for all to see and awaken. Those who need me will find me; others will not see me. Then, all sadness and anxiety will dissipate. Depression does not belong to us; it is a fabricated lie meant to slow our awakening. We are the source. There is no need to feel bad. And lastly, I am 100 percent sure everything is going to be alright.

Join me in this journey of awakening. As Osho once said, “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” Together, we will explore the depths of our souls, uncover the truths hidden within us, and learn to make choices that resonate with the divine plan. Let us awaken to our true potential, embrace our divine essence, and shine together as beacons of light in this world.

In this sacred space of online coaching, we will embark on a transformative journey. Let the Sacred Vessel guide us, let the divine speak through us, and let our spirits soar. Together, we will create a community of awakened souls, united in love, purpose, and the light of God.

Remember, you are amazing just the way you are. Embrace your journey, and let’s shine together.

For more information about our online depression healing courses, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +90 531 525 77 47. You can also follow us on Instagram at @luminylife and watch our content on our YouTube channel.


Canan Yıldırım; Karadağ, Podgorica, Budva, Tivat ve Kotor. Sağlıklı Yaşam, Eğitim ve Nefes Koçu, Yoga ve Fitness Eğitmeni.
Canan Yıldırım; Karadağ, Podgorica, Budva, Tivat ve Kotor. Sağlıklı Yaşam, Eğitim ve Nefes Koçu, Yoga ve Fitness Eğitmeni.


1.Başarısız olduğun sürece öğrenecek öğrendikçe kendi yolunu bulacaksın.

2.Başarısız denemeler yaratıcılığını arttıracak ve bir gün kimsenin aklına gelemiş bir şeyi bulacaksın.

3.İşinden nefret ediyorsan hayatta neyi sevdiğini bul ve onu yapmak için sonuna kadar denemeler yap, kaçmak kolay fakat hayat kısa.

4.En basitini düşün. Cevap burnunun dibinde ve sen aslında cevabı biliyorsun, kendine karşı dürüst ol.

5.Yeni bir şey dene, yeni bir yol bul, veya yeni bir yol aç.

6. Bir nefes al, pranayama ve nefes derslerine başla

7. Sağlıklı yaşamak istiyorsan önce zihnini temizle. Vücudun seni takip edecektir.

8. Her gün vücudun, zihnin ve ruhun için bir şey yap. Mesela yoga ve pranayama (nefes ile yaşama enerjisini yayma çalışmaları) ve meditasyon dersleri ile başlayabilirsin.

9. Ne yersen o olursun. Bu nedenle ne yediğine dikkat et. Vücut hızını, dengeni ve sağlığını bozacak olan gidalardan uzak dur.

10. Kendini dinle vücudun sana neyin iyi neyin kötü geldiğini anlatacaktır. (Bkz: Satvik, rajasik, tamasik gıdalar.)

11.Hayalindeki herşey büyük bir bolluk içinde sana gelecek. Şimdi mutlu bir anını düşünerek bunu dile.

12. Son olarak vaktini boşa harcama, hayatına ve sana birşeyler katabilecek bir şey yap ve hergün hayalin için bir şey yap.

Ayrıntılı bilgi, yaşam koçluğu, danışmanlık, yoga ve nefes dersleri için lütfen arayınız.

Whatzap ve Viber: +90 531 525 77 47