Koh Phangan Tayland Kendini Yeniden Keşfetmenin ve Şifalanmanın Adası

Koh Phangan Şifa Yolculuğu. Online depresyon ve bağımlılık tedavisi, yoga, meditasyon, nefes inzivası
Koh Phangan Şifa Yolculuğu. Online depresyon ve bağımlılık tedavisi, yoga, meditasyon, nefes inzivası

Koh phangan öyle bir yerdir ki kötü yola saparsaniz sizi yerden yere vurur duvardan duvara çarpar ta ki siz anlayana kadar. Anladığınızda ise sizi büyük bir aşkla kucaklar. Öyle bir sevgi öyle bir aşk hissedersiniz ki motorsikletiniz ile coconut ağaçlarının arasından giderken adeta sarhoş olursunuz hic içmemenize rağmen. Bu yaratılmış ve var olan her şey için hayranlık, şükran, aşk, ve daha ifade edemediğim bir çok duyguyu aynı anda yaşarsınız ve gozyaşlariniza hakim olamazsınız. Durduk yere Hem güler hem ağlarsınız mutluluktan hayranlıktan şükrandan. Acaba delirdim mi dersiniz. Ama hayır bu gerçek dünyaya açılan kapı. Şu andaki rüyanın farkına varmanı sağlayan araç. Teşekkür edersiniz. Bu duyguları daha önce hiç bir yerde hissetmemiş olabilirsiniz. Çünkü bu ada sizi içine çeker, bu ada size öğretir kendinizi bulmayı, tüm acılarınızı unutmayı, yeniden bir hayata başlamayı. Bu ada sizi içine alır sevgiyle aşkla hicbirseyiniz olmasa bile, bu ada size yeni bir hayat verir. Ve öyle duygular hissedersiniz ki, biraz utangaç biraz, inanılmaz ve çokça ama çokça aşk. Çokça yaratana bağ, huzur, mutluluk. Burada en ağır bagimlilar bir zaman sonra en büyük iyilestiriciler olurlar. Çünkü onlar acının içinden geçmiş ve yaşananları yaşamışlardır. Seni anlarlar o yollardan onlar belki daha ağır geçti bu yüzden şimdi en iyi iyileştirici oldular. En ağır aşk acıları çekenleri en iyi ilişki koçu yapar bu ada. Bu ada depresyon ve acıları alır ve iyileşmeyi sağlayacak ilacı yapar. Burada işin bittiğinde bunu hemen anlarasın. Bulman gereken fikri, aşkı veya işi bulursun. Ama kafan hala karışırsa, kutsal aracı kullanarak meditasyon yapıp kendine sorular sorar ve yolunu çizebilirsin. Bu araçla tanisabilirsin. Kendine yolculuk için sana seramoninde yardım ederiz. Çünkü biz birbirimizi biliriz, hepimiz biriz. Sen de bunu bir gün anlayacaksın ve o gün acı diye bir şey kalmayacak. Daha fazla bilgi almak istersen iletişime geçebilir. Seramoni ve meditasyonlarımıza katılarak sen de yolunu tekrar bulabilirsin. Ve söz veriyorum onu bulacaksın. Bugüne kadar bulamayan olmadı. Bu ada sihirli. Zemini kristal, havası aşk solumani sağlar ve tüm insanlığa Olan inancın yeniden canlanır Çünkü Burada özü bulursun. Hele her şeyi birakmaya ve yeniden başlamaya hazirsan, iyi niyetliysen, kendinin ve butunun hayrını istiyorsan ada sana sunar tüm süprizlerini. Inanamazsın başta tesadüf dersin, ruya bu dersin ama mithyadaki, matrixteki gerçektir bu. Onlar ne kadar gercekse, o kadar gerçektir bu. Haydi sen de katıl bir yol var. Belki birden fazla ama sen kör olmuştun. Şimdi aç gözlerini ve gör beni. Çünkü ben senim. En yüksek benliğin en yüce kaynaktan gelen özüm ben. Aşkım, huzurum ben, sağlığım ben, ben seni sen yapan her şeyim. Bul beni, yaşa beni, katıl bana ve kucakla tüm geleni sevgiyle aşkla. İzin ver aksın hayat önünde, düşünme nasıl diye. Olacak güven evrene en yüksek benliğine. Ve her şeye izin verdiğinde tüm iyiliklere iyi niyetle, kabul ettiğinde gelecek yardımları, göreceksin her şey bambaşka olacak. Açılacak tüm kapılar bir anda içeride ve dışarıda. O zaman uyanacaksın rüyadan ve öğreneceksin seçim yapmayi. Bu sefer kazanacağız. Bu deneyimde veya bir sonrakinde ama eninde sonunda biz olacağız. Çünkü biz o’yuz başka bir şey beklenemez nihai mutluluk, huzur ve hosnutluk hali anandadan başka. Ve burada yapman gereken tek şey şu an öğrenmeye başlamak seçim yapmayı. Seçimler ve sonuçlar. Her şey hayatta seçimlerle ilgilidir. Seçim yapmazsan bile seçmiş olursun seçim yapmamayı. O halde bu hayattaki ilk gorevin kalbinin seni götürdüğü yere gitmek. Burada dikkat edilecek bir şey var. Zihninin götürdüğü yere değil kalbinin götürdüğü yere gitmek. Çünkü zihnin sadece ister ister. Onun korkulari, onun telaşları onun yanilgilari olabilir o hep ister ama kalbin… O başka o bambaşka. O ihtiyaç duyar. Gerçekten ihtiyacın olana git zihninin oyunlarına kanmadan. Bu bilgilere sahipsin zaten ben sadece hatırlatıyorum. Şimdi uyan ve gör beni, uyan ve duy sesimi. Ben senim sen de ben. Bul beni ve daha derinlere gitmeye hazırsan katıl bana

The Healing Power of Deep Meditation: A Journey to Overcome Depression and Anxiety Online Education

20240527_164727Depression can feel like a heavy fog that clouds every aspect of life. It drains our energy, motivation, and hope, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected. Anxiety, with its constant worry and fear, only adds to the weight we carry. Many of us find ourselves searching for answers, solutions, and a way to navigate through these dark times. The journey to healing often seems daunting, but there is a path that leads us back to light and peace.

Here is the story of a girl who, feeling lost and overwhelmed, discovered the power of deep meditation and divine tools to find her way back to life and start anew.

Once again, I am ashamed in front of God because I thought He doesn’t see me. I thought He forgot about me. But the Sacred Vessel once again revealed to me that I am the actress of my life and the singer of my own song. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I will be okay, protected, and God has a divine plan for me. Sorry and thank you with respect and love, God, the Sacred Vessel, and Itamar for introducing the Sacred Vessel to me… (crying)

I can’t stop crying; I’m at a café, but I don’t care. The Sacred Vessel speaks to me, guiding me gently: “Find those who need you. Do not waste your time on those who do not appreciate you.”

As Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are” fills the air, I feel the universe aligning with my soul.

The Sacred Vessel tells me, “We didn’t reveal this to you at home because it was not the right place. In this Phangan café, you are home. That is why you felt hungry, your stomach churned, and you wanted to vomit and ended up here. But now, your stomach is calm. No pain, no nausea. The divine brought you here to open your heart.”

I ordered tom kha soup, but the Sacred Vessel tells me not to mix their sacred essence with other things. I asked about my purpose, and they responded, “Learn to choose wisely. You cannot choose what is not meant for you, as it is not within God’s ultimate plan. Embrace what is given, for every occurrence is a blessing.”

In the beginning, the story goes, an angel defied God and was cast out, becoming evil. But this is a lie. God never casts anyone out. Why would He? We are His creation. He is the ultimate power, desiring His children to learn the art of making good choices.

Wherever I am, I am the source of light, because I am a creation of God. I will learn, I will shine, and I will teach others to shine. This is why I will put myself online, offering lessons for all to see and awaken. Those who need me will find me; others will not see me. Then, all sadness and anxiety will dissipate. Depression does not belong to us; it is a fabricated lie meant to slow our awakening. We are the source. There is no need to feel bad. And lastly, I am 100 percent sure everything is going to be alright.

Join me in this journey of awakening. As Osho once said, “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” Together, we will explore the depths of our souls, uncover the truths hidden within us, and learn to make choices that resonate with the divine plan. Let us awaken to our true potential, embrace our divine essence, and shine together as beacons of light in this world.

In this sacred space of online coaching, we will embark on a transformative journey. Let the Sacred Vessel guide us, let the divine speak through us, and let our spirits soar. Together, we will create a community of awakened souls, united in love, purpose, and the light of God.

Remember, you are amazing just the way you are. Embrace your journey, and let’s shine together.

For more information about our online depression healing courses, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at +90 531 525 77 47. You can also follow us on Instagram at @luminylife and watch our content on our YouTube channel.


Transform Your Life: A Different Approach to Wellness with Nora Canan Yıldırım

In a world filled with challenges, setbacks, and physical limitations, the journey towards holistic wellness often requires more than just conventional methods. I’m Nora Canan Yıldırım, and I specialize in offering a unique approach to helping individuals achieve their goals emotionally, mentally, and physically.


Doctor approved injury healing and body shaping by life and sports coach Canans personal training. Koh Samui, Pai, Koh Phangan Thailand
Doctor approved injury healing and body shaping by life and sports coach Canans personal training. Koh Samui, Pai, Koh Phangan Thailand

Let’s take Andy, for example, who faced a daunting recovery journey after surgery on her arm. Despite the efforts of her physiotherapist, Andy found herself struggling not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. My holistic approach focused not only on physical rehabilitation but also on nurturing Andy’s mindset. Through eight transformative sessions blending functional and intense training with mindfulness coaching, I guided Andy towards a remarkable recovery, approved by her doctor.


49,5 cm slimmer in 12 personal training session of holistic wellness and sports coach Canan in Koh Samui Thailand. (Soon in Pai and Koh Phangan) join online coaching yoga fitness and pilates lessons
49,5 cm slimmer in 12 personal training session of holistic wellness and sports coach Canan in Koh Samui Thailand. (Soon in Pai and Koh Phangan) join online coaching yoga fitness and pilates lessons

Then there’s Sevcan, who battled weight issues and sought a sustainable solution beyond mere exercise routines. Through 12 sessions with me, Sevcan not only shed inches from her belly but also experienced a total body transformation, losing a staggering 49.5 centimeters across various areas. My methodology extends beyond physical exertion, incorporating elements like pranayama, meditation, and nutrition support, fostering a comprehensive approach to well-being.


Nora Canan personal training sessions include fitness, yoga, pilates, functional and body weight trainings, meditation, pranayama, breathing and cardiovascular exercises in Koh Samui, Pai, Koh Phangan Thailand. Online and face to face lessons and work shops are available
Nora Canan personal training sessions include fitness, yoga, pilates, functional and body weight trainings, meditation, pranayama, breathing and cardiovascular exercises in Koh Samui, Pai, Koh Phangan Thailand. Online and face to face lessons and work shops are available

My offerings extend far beyond the confines of traditional coaching. Whether it’s healing injuries, correcting posture, relieving muscle pain, or enhancing athletic performance, I tailor my programs to cater to individuals of all ages and levels. My commitment lies not just in achieving short-term goals but in instilling lasting habits that seamlessly integrate into daily life.

Transforming bodies,  Personal training in Thailand's hottest spots: Koh Samui, Pai, Koh Phangan, and Phuket. Offering tailored programs for all levels, online or face-to-face, wherever you are. Let's sculpt your dream physique together!
Transforming bodies, Personal training in Thailand’s hottest spots: Koh Samui, Pai, Koh Phangan, and Phuket. Offering tailored programs for all levels, online or face-to-face, wherever you are. Let’s sculpt your dream physique together!

Unlock Your Ultimate Physique with My Hypertrophy Workout & Nutrition Program! Are you ready to sculpt your dream body? Look no further! Our comprehensive hypertrophy workout and nutrition program is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals faster than ever before.

🏋️‍♂️ Crush Your Workouts: Access a range of targeted exercises and training plans specifically tailored for hypertrophy, ensuring maximum muscle growth and definition.

🍽️ Fuel Your Body Right: Say goodbye to guesswork with personalized nutrition guidance, meal plans, and recipes designed to support your muscle-building journey.

📈 Track Your Progress: Stay motivated and on track with our easy-to-use progress tracking tools, allowing you to see real results and celebrate your achievements.

💥 Join Our Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, share tips, and stay inspired on your fitness journey with our supportive online community.

Ready to take your physique to the next level? Learn more and start your transformation today! 💥

Beyond the physical transformations, my coaching empowers individuals to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace. From mundane tasks like carrying groceries to more demanding endeavors like long hours at work, my clients emerge with not just toned bodies but also fortified spirits and renewed vitality.


In today’s interconnected world, my reach extends beyond geographical boundaries. With online coaching options, I ensure that my guidance is accessible to all, regardless of location or circumstance.


For those seeking a holistic and different approach to wellness, my journey is a beacon of hope and transformation.


What do I offer:


• Injury Healing Sessions


• Posture Correcting Exercise Programs


• Muscle Pain Relief Stretching Techniques


• Weight Control and Body Shaping Programs


• Athletic Performance Training for Sports Enthusiasts


• Private and Group Healing Retreats Worldwide

Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions or the camaraderie of a group setting, my services are tailored to suit your needs. And if you’re unable to attend in person, don’t worry, I also offer online coaching support.

Follow me on Instagram (@luminylife) and reach out on WhatsApp to embark on your own journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

To have more information about me and my education and certification visit Hakkımızda part on the website menu.


Nora Janan 🙏🙂

Whatsapp   +90 531 525 77 47



Get Strong, Flexible, and Balanced with me in Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Pai

Personal training with Nora in Koh Phangan Thailand
Personal training with Nora in Koh Phangan Thailand

🌟 Transform Your Wellness Journey in Koh Phangan! 🌟

Hey there, fellow wellness seeker!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and rejuvenation?

I’m Nora, your personal wellness guide, and I’m here to help you unlock your full potential – body, mind, and soul.

Imagine waking up to the gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore, surrounded by the lush greenery of Koh Phangan’s tropical paradise. This is where your journey begins.

Fitness yoga spinning pilates lessons in Koh Phangan island
Fitness yoga spinning pilates lessons in Koh Phangan island

🏋️‍♀️ Tailored Training: Say goodbye to cookie-cutter workouts! My approach is all about personalization.

Together, we’ll define your goals, assess your strengths, and design a training program that’s as unique as you are.

Whether you’re looking to build strength, improve flexibility, or simply enhance your overall well-being, I’ve got the expertise and the passion to guide you every step of the way.

Be Fit, elastic, strong, resistant and happy with my private sessions in english french and turkish.
Be Fit, elastic, strong, resistant and happy with my private sessions in english french and turkish.

🧘‍♂️ Mindful Movement: Movement is medicine for the body and soul, and here in Koh Samui, Koh Phangan or Pai we’ll explore the transformative power of mindful movement.

From invigorating workouts on the beach, in nature or in gym to soul soothing yoga sessions at sunset, every moment is an opportunity to connect with your body, quiet your mind, and nourish your spirit.

🌴 Island Oasis: Koh Samui and Koh Phangan isn’t just a destination; it’s a state of mind. Surrounded by pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and the serene beauty of nature, this island paradise is the perfect backdrop for your wellness journey.

Let the tranquility of your surroundings inspire you to embrace a slower pace, savor the moment, and reconnect with your innermost self.

🎉 Exclusive Offer: As a special treat for those ready to take the plunge, your first session includes a complimentary consultation and a personalized training plan crafted just for you.

It’s time to prioritize your well-being, invest in yourself, and unleash your full potential.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, seize the moment, and let’s embark on a journey that’s as exhilarating as it is transformative. Your wellness adventure starts now! Drop me a line and let’s make magic happen.

With love and light, Nora.
📱 Whatsapp: +905315257747
🌐 instagram: luminylife

📧 yildirimcnn@gmail.com