Hello everyone
I hope you are great and having joyful and improving days. Today I had my work out, have done my yoga session and started day amazing.
If you also would like to join my yoga, pranayama, meditation, antigravity yoga, aerial and fly yoga, pilates, personal development and training sessions, now it is great time to start because winter is coming and we will easily gain weight, because of sitting in same position all day. Our posture will be messed up and during years we will have back, neck and joint pains.
It is possible to stop this before we have chronic illnesses. After we have these king of problems, it is more difficult, and takes more time to heal them.

Physical incapabilities are decreasing our life quality very much. Even if we are in a good shape, life is not going as we wanted always. Mentally we may also have some issues. Our mind can be full of thoughts and memories. Thanks to yoga it is also possible to relax our mind and soul, inrease the immunity.
If you want to join and have information about my sessions and events please follow my instagram and contact me via instagram luminylife adress.
Secondly I give you another opportunity to make your life better, improve yourself and help others to heal themselves. Start yoga and training sessions with me, invite your friends and we become a bigger family together.
On the other hand with your support also we can help other people to realize how great is to taking care of yourself and others.
Soon my social projects will start. I want to organise meetings and events to help physically or mentally troubled people. If you also want to join these kind of projects please contact me via instagram (luminylife)
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